Monday, August 19, 2013

There are certain events that make you appreciate life.....

I will explain that in a second....
Matt's blood level (red blood cells and platelets) are still low however the doctor said the transfusion is a last resort measure.  He has an extremely high level, in his blood, that measures inflammation.  The doctors know he has pericarditis however they believe he may also have myo-pericarditis and the think that is why that number is so high.  Pericarditis if I understand correctly is fluid or inflammation around the heart.  The myo part is just another part of the muscle that could possibly also have this inflammation. 
They also did find his lung collapse and something wrong with his lower right lobe.  Another group of physicians from pulmonary will evaluate him tomorrow to make sure there is no inflammation somewhere else and to check his lung. 
He still is having pain but it's more manageable now.  They will start the treatments tomorrow.  Today there are letting his body chill out (so to speak)
So that title has to do with something that happened to us today.  A gentleman was wheeled in to our room by two paramedics.  By the sound of the conversation, the man had a long ride in from New Hampshire.  I overheard the paramedics giving the nurses the rundown - he's had a lot of heart issues in the past.  Within 5 minutes of the paramedics leaving, the nurses were performing CPR, loud alarms were going off and our room was FILLED with nurses and doctors.  Our nurse came in and led us out of the room to the family room to wait.  We were not allowed back in our room - not even to get our belongings!  We were "upgraded" to a beautiful room with a view overlooking the Charles River.  We can see the Citgo sign, the bridges etc.  Unfortunately, our room change was due to unfortunate circumstances.  Matt was extremely upset.  He will have nightmares for weeks. 
Before I left I hugged him a little tighter.
Thank you Lord for keeping Matt here with us! 


Rob Falk said...

I thought the stent back in May solved everything. I'm so upset to hear about these developments. Please tell Matt I'm keeping him in my prayers.

Jodi said...

Thanks Rob I will. He never felt better and is health was continuing to get worse. He was at cardiac rehab and had massive pains - which is why they went back in to "clean things up".