Sunday, August 18, 2013

Excruciating pain!!!! NOT NORMAL!

Last night Matt could hardly talk and is in horrific pain!  They did a cat scan and xrays and found that his lung is not inflating.  It's not collapsed....yet....but my feeling is that your body can only be in distress for so long!!!  As of this morning, he is still in massive pain.  I do not know why they have not called in a lung specialist!  And they can not figure out WHY he is so much pain.  Matt has a massively high pain tolerance - think he had 3 heart attacks before he thought he should see someone about it.  So I'm nervous about this.  I want more done. 
So as I type, the big kahunas are on their way in as I look for people who can assist us in getting him to MGH and to the CCU there.  (Oh, the big kahunas are my mom and Bobbie Botticelli).  I know they will have things answered and everyone on their toes. 
Please please PRAY for him.  We do not know what's wrong, why he is in pain or how to control it!  Believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking! 

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