Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A mellow day....

Today started off nerve racking, not because of Matt's condition, but because of Lahey's delay in sending Matt's records.  I went to Lahey myself and again had a difficult time in obtaining the records - but persevered and got what we needed.  By the time I arrived at MGH it was close to 2pm. 
The doctors decided to give Matt a rest day - no testing as originally planned.  Matt's levels have all come back to the normal range - which is great!  He has about 8 bags of IV fluid!!!  They do not see a need for a transfusion at this time.  His iron levels are low - he lost a lot of blood somewhere which is why those levels were low - so that's a simple pill. 
Tomorrow is the big test day - we will find out what is going on with his heart.  They will only let him walk about 20 feet until they know.  I'm not sure of the length of stay that he will endure with this pericarditis - and I don't care as long as he gets better.  We will also start to investigate the issues with his lungs and other things.
I'm so glad his doctor gave him a break today.  It was much needed.  He wasn't exhausted - had a tiny bit of color (I told him to sit in the sun in the window cause he burns so easy, he could get a little color) and was able to eat half of his lunch.  He was laughing and making fun of me so I know his spirits are higher.  I noticed he popped on facebook for a few minutes too!  Feel free to go to his page and say hello!  I'm sure he'd love to see how many people are following his status! 
Thank you ALL for the continued thoughts and prayers - posts, emails, texts etc.  Each and every one makes me smile! 

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