Sunday, August 18, 2013


I'm not editing this so don't let children read it -

Lahey is giving us the run around about transferring Matt!!!!  Ae you serious?  I'm so glad I was told NO cause I do not accept anyone ever telling me no!!  (Friends from high school can attest to that!)
I was given the instructions on what to do to get him out by my friend Leslie, I took her advice and came in swinging!  I walked thru the main entrance and asked for a patient advocate - the head RN came about 20 minutes later.  I told her my situation but at the same time the doctor was consulting with Matt (my mom was in the room) so I had her walk with me to the room.  I heard their run around for a few minutes but then took both the nurse and doctor in to the hallway to discuss his transfer.  Matt doesn't want to ruffle any feathers - which is my complete opposite!!  Don't care who I piss off - we are talking my husband here!
I still got the run around - MGH is giving me specific instructions on how to transfer - lahey nurses are telling me no - they don't do it like that!  I finally said I don't know why you are having this pissing contest with MGH - just put in the transfer!  And in the same breath I said "it's my right to have a second opinion and my right to have him transferred!  Is anyone from the legal department here????"  I'm so done.  And yes, so far that has been my only swear.  Matt gets uptight and it causes really bad pain so I have to be calm in the room!

On to his diagnosis:  they took the cat scan last night and just "briefly go through it to rule out anything major.  And then today the attending reads it thoroughly". Ok first of all - do they have so much going on at 3am that they can't read it thoroughly???  I'll continue "so when we finally read the report it seems as though he has developed pneumonia in his right lung and pericarditis (which is fluid around his heart)."

I will update more when we move to MGH.  He looks like hell - his breathing is labored and he is in pain.  Please continue to pray for him to heal!!  Xoxo

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