Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Homecoming!!!!

Matt is HOME!  After all the ups and downs of his hospital stay, he was released yesterday!  We are so happy that he is home ~ the kids (and of course the dogs!) are elated! 
The unfortunate part is that the surgery was not as successful as original thought.  His flow around is right artery is still very limited.  He appears to have pericarditis however his CT scan on his chest does not show it!  He does have all the symptoms so the doctors are treating him anyway.  His lung is re-inflating and healing on it's own.  His blood levels are back to normal.  He came home with a slew of new medications. 
The doctors have limited his activity level tremendously.  And if you know Matt, this is the hardest part!  NO LACROSSE FOR ONE YEAR!!!!  Matt is very upset about this as that is his "thing" ~ how we get his "stink" out.  No spinning, no heavy lifting, no running....he can walk and use light weights.  I feel for him.  As hard as it is to hear we are all saying in our heads "it could have been worse" but I think he will snap if another person says "well the alternative was...."  He knows.  But when you love something as much as he loves his LAX games and his buddies, this totally sucks for him.  His heart has suffered some damages and needs time to heal!
Even though he's been down and out so to speak - he still had the new house worked on and this morning had me pick out the windows and doors!!!  He won't miss a beat on that one!
In the meantime, the girls are giving him a list of things they want him to do with us "as a family". I don't think they will allow him out of their sight for a few days! 
THANK YOU to each and every one of you who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers!!!!!  THANK YOU to everyone who put Matt on a prayer chain, a prayer list etc!  I know he was prayed for around the globe and it very much appreciated!!!

Lydia (redhead) Irelyn (in the back) Matt and Ciara.  Raya is not pictured.  They LOVE their Daddy!

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