Friday, August 16, 2013

Matt has a little bit of a tough night in the ICU with massive sweats (I think his body reacting to all the medications they pumped in to him).  He was rough looking when I left him last night - as it was really late and I could only spend about 5 minutes with him.  His heart surgery he is totally awake and coherent for so he was mentally and physically exhausted and on edge (as any of us would be being on an operating table for 4 hours and being able to listen to the doctors conversations).
He had some bleeding last night when they took the tube out of his groin (one of the ways they went in to his heart) but they were able to control it.  He had some chest pain in the middle of the night...and right now I'm not sure what they did as Matt and I have had limited conversations this morning.  He insisted that the girls continue on their schedule so up today we have Ciara's 5th birthday party celebration with her little friends at Imajin That in Lawrence.  He doesn't want the kids to worry.  I hate that I'm not in there with him but I know he is in good hands (last night his nurse was awesome!) and that the kids need to keep some normalcy.
Please continue to pray and keep him in your thoughts!  We need these stents to work and the blood to flow thru continuously!!! 

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