Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today I hit the milestone my doctor was hoping for - I am 32 weeks!! I'm not sure of the any critical diagnosis that we avoided for the twins in getting this far but I do know each day is a blessing!
Last week I had an ultrasound and the twins were both measuring at around 3 1/2 pounds each. HOLY CRAP I have 7 pounds of baby in there! They do not measure their length though. I feel like their feet are in my rib cage and I know both heads are in my wa-hoo. My next appointment is tomorrow.
On the whole mini-van note, thanks for everyone's emails in helping me cope with the inevitable. I took an Odyssey for the day yesterday and literally found myself driving with my hand over my eyes to avoid seeing people. LOL Although Lydia loved the "magic doors", I am still caught up on the image. Yes, it's great for kids and I will have all the options I want (except no one makes one with a heated steering wheel - yes, I am that spoiled), it's still a mini-van. How did it drive? The dealer asked. Are you kidding?? I used to drive a pimped out Caddy and took corners at 50, how do you think? Doesn't handle like that.
Anyway, thanks for the support although I know you are all hysterically laughing at me behind my back. It's the auto industry's fault. There should be something to accommodate me besides that. Someone send me to Japan so I could design something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love minivans. Sure they are ugly but so is my Volvo. I am all about having a car serve a purpose. Plus being a soccer, hockey, golf, dance, football, baseball mom at heart it suits me well. I think if you get one you will like it because it will make things so easy and comfortable. But with 4 kids you might want a BUS!