Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nope ~ not yet!

I know everyone is checking this consistently to see if anything is going on. I wish I could say that. I have an ultrasound this morning to check their biophysical profile - which to me is a fancy term for their weight and their vitals. I also have an appointment with a doctor.
I have made the goal of 35 weeks! There is a good chance that after they are born, they will return home with me when I leave. They may have to stay an extra day or two.
My hope is that I give birth soon so that I do not miss Lydia's birthday (on Friday the 5th). I also would like to be around for her 1st day back to pre-school.
Thanks for all the great comments and emails! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jodi,

Both my neices were born at 35 weeks so you are doing great. They weren't considered preemies so they stayed in the room and went home with mom. So looks like you did it!!! Yeah!