Thursday, August 7, 2008

I measured how big??!!!!!!

I had a routine appointment today - nothing out of the ordinary. Except when the doctor measure my stomach, it measured at 43 weeks!! OK for those of you who don't know this, full term is 40 weeks. I have another 5 weeks to go until my scheduled C-section so imagine the size of me then!
I also had an ultrasound today and both babies look really good. Baby "A" whose fluid level was low/normal is back to being normal which is great. They are literally on top of one another. Their heads are side by side and real low. I am waiting for the day to be in bathroom and a hand comes out to help me wipe! LOL

1 comment:

carangelo said...

Hey Jodi,

You are hysterical! Reading your blog might be my new guilty pleasure after I've put all my kids to bed. I was looking for a new hobby....this is perfect!

"Joey" Carangelo's Mom