Monday, August 25, 2008


So we went to the hospital last night after I had contractions for 14 hours. Yes, 14 hours. I was stubborn and knew I wasn't in labor but my sister made me call the doctor who had me come in. I was having contractions about 4-6 minutes apart but nothing else was going on. No dilating or softening (ew gross I know), no other symptoms of labor. The doctor gave me a shot of the drug that stops or slows your contractions and sent us home. They said if I was to return, they will not stop them contractions again and they would just deliver them. It seemed to me that they wanted to deliver them last night.
Today I'm continuing to have the contractions but I was able to get some more drugs to slow them down or not make them so intense. I'm just buying time. I was hoping to get to Wednesday because I will be 35 weeks then. Each day inside of me is better than a day in the NICU although they have been subjected to my trashy mouth a lot more than usual lately. I need a good nights rest and then Matt and I can decide what to do from here. I'm pretty sure they will be here by weeks end by the way my contractions are so consistent.
I'll update this more when I know what is going on.

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