Thursday, July 17, 2008

Week 29

Thursday, July 17th: Today I had an ultrasound to check on the fluid level on the babies. It is thankfully the same. One has normal fluid and the other with normal/low fluid. The doctors will continue to monitor them weekly. The babies are very active in there and their heart rates are both 141. The doctor measured me and I am measuring at 37 weeks. Which does seem really big but I was measured at 36 weeks, 3 weeks ago. Matt is funny and thinks this is the biggest I've ever been pregnant. I think my belly was bigger at the end of my pregnancy with Raya. Still trying to motivate myself to put up some pictures. I'll try.

1 comment:

Hans and Kerry said...

Thank goodness everything looks great... you had me nervous this morning! The 2 of us have been through enough! Post pics!