Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yes I am brave for posting this horrendous picture of myself in a bathing suit for the world to see! I wanted to show everyone that when you want "just one more" you could end up with two and how that warps your figure! LOL

I know my babies are total blessings! Believe me, I remember every shot and doctors appointments to get to where I am. I am just a miserable pregnant person!

This is at 28 weeks pregnant. For everyone that asks, my due date is actually October 1st but we have a scheduled C-section on September 19th.

I think my landscaper (yes, my landscaper) said it to me best today. I was (surprise) in a bathing suit with the kids at the pool and was speaking with him. He said "Seriously Jodi, you defy gravity!!". Thanks Frank. And we wonder why he is still single.

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