Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 28

I had my 28 week ultrasound yesterday and it was discovered that one of the twins has low/normal fluid. It's not alarming, but something the doctors will now monitor weekly. The babies weighed 3lbs and 3.2lbs. They are doing great.
At my regular appointment today Nada (my DR) told us that from now on we should keep our hospital bag in the car when going to appointments!! That is pretty scary! I still have not had the beta shots for their lungs as we are trying to hold out as long as possible for them. Nada feels that I will only make it another 4 weeks! I was hoping for more! The beta shots will come if I am hospitalized again with contractions or if the fluid level gets lower. The longer we can wait on those shots, the better the outcome for the babies.


Will's Mama said...

Of course Auntie Angel would be the first to add a comment. Make sure they are aware of this when they are older. That way they will like me more than Auntie Kim.
Seriously love that you are doing this though. I think it is great. I think you should post pictures of your belly every few days. Just no naked ones please.

Love you guys!

the 3 amico's mommy said...

Glad to hear that all is going well...atleast you are not on bedrest in the hospital going out of your mind and missing your 2 other kiddos like someone else had to...I sis have my beta shot at 28 weeks gestation and the out came Sal at 32 weeks...and not for nothing weighing in at 6 lbs. 7 ozs. imagine if her were term...anyhow...think positive thoughts and all will be great...our thoughts are with you!!

Love you all