Monday, July 28, 2008

Change of schedule!!!

The doctor's office just called to change my scheduled C-section! I am on the wait list for September 8th or 10th! Matt's birthday is the 10th so that would be really cool!! I will be 37 weeks on the 10th so I'm not sure if that is going to happen! I can't even imagine how big I would be at that point. I am 30 weeks now.

Matt and I had my first cousins wedding this weekend so I wanted to post a picture! I made it up until past midnight but then Raya decided to wake at 4:30 that morning for the day! Murphy's law! I have to make up some sleep this week. I am exhuasted to say the least.

Matt and I also went car shopping yesterday. There is a lot of criteria in thinking of a vehicle - has to fit in my garage, hold my double stroller etc. I still don't know what to do because I'm too full of myself to drive a (gulp) "van". LOL At least I admit it.


Hans and Kerry said...

GOD NO!! Jodi, I will NOT let you drive a MINI VAN! haha!

Renee said...

I drove a mini van and I really liked it!...In the can use the remote starter and jump in the car and then fiddle with getting the kids in their seats while you are inside out of the cold....that was the best thing about a minivan.