Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I was cooking this evening when my parents were over. Yeah, I know I don't cook, but it was for myself and I was hungry. Anyway, Peter thought I looked so huge in what I was wearing he wanted to take a picture. I guess I have a carnival mirror in my room because I DID NOT realize I looked like that!!! See, in Jodi's world - mirrors make images look smaller than they appear. Apparently so........

It's kind of like the girl who you see that you look and say "eww....she thinks she looks good in that???!!!!??? I want her mirror!!!!" LOL

I had yet another doctors appointment today - I now go twice a week. Everything looks the same. I had a fetal fibro-nectin test which indicates if you will go in to labor within the next 2 weeks. The test came back negative which is great. My next appointment is Thursday in Boston for an ultrasound. They will measure the little ones and approximate a weight.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Change of schedule!!!

The doctor's office just called to change my scheduled C-section! I am on the wait list for September 8th or 10th! Matt's birthday is the 10th so that would be really cool!! I will be 37 weeks on the 10th so I'm not sure if that is going to happen! I can't even imagine how big I would be at that point. I am 30 weeks now.

Matt and I had my first cousins wedding this weekend so I wanted to post a picture! I made it up until past midnight but then Raya decided to wake at 4:30 that morning for the day! Murphy's law! I have to make up some sleep this week. I am exhuasted to say the least.

Matt and I also went car shopping yesterday. There is a lot of criteria in thinking of a vehicle - has to fit in my garage, hold my double stroller etc. I still don't know what to do because I'm too full of myself to drive a (gulp) "van". LOL At least I admit it.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yes I am brave for posting this horrendous picture of myself in a bathing suit for the world to see! I wanted to show everyone that when you want "just one more" you could end up with two and how that warps your figure! LOL

I know my babies are total blessings! Believe me, I remember every shot and doctors appointments to get to where I am. I am just a miserable pregnant person!

This is at 28 weeks pregnant. For everyone that asks, my due date is actually October 1st but we have a scheduled C-section on September 19th.

I think my landscaper (yes, my landscaper) said it to me best today. I was (surprise) in a bathing suit with the kids at the pool and was speaking with him. He said "Seriously Jodi, you defy gravity!!". Thanks Frank. And we wonder why he is still single.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Week 29

Thursday, July 17th: Today I had an ultrasound to check on the fluid level on the babies. It is thankfully the same. One has normal fluid and the other with normal/low fluid. The doctors will continue to monitor them weekly. The babies are very active in there and their heart rates are both 141. The doctor measured me and I am measuring at 37 weeks. Which does seem really big but I was measured at 36 weeks, 3 weeks ago. Matt is funny and thinks this is the biggest I've ever been pregnant. I think my belly was bigger at the end of my pregnancy with Raya. Still trying to motivate myself to put up some pictures. I'll try.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 28

I had my 28 week ultrasound yesterday and it was discovered that one of the twins has low/normal fluid. It's not alarming, but something the doctors will now monitor weekly. The babies weighed 3lbs and 3.2lbs. They are doing great.
At my regular appointment today Nada (my DR) told us that from now on we should keep our hospital bag in the car when going to appointments!! That is pretty scary! I still have not had the beta shots for their lungs as we are trying to hold out as long as possible for them. Nada feels that I will only make it another 4 weeks! I was hoping for more! The beta shots will come if I am hospitalized again with contractions or if the fluid level gets lower. The longer we can wait on those shots, the better the outcome for the babies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 28

I have made it to my doctor's goal of being 28 weeks! We are quite thrilled but now set new goals for me! I'd love to make it to 32 weeks - my doctor says my goals should be set in 2 week increments. Whatever, every day is a blessing.
The contractions have subsided for now. It reminds me of why people opt for c-sections! OUCH.
Lydia is having a lot of fun feeling my tummy and asking what the babies are doing inside of me. She asks if they are sleeping or playing. She wants them to come out August 1st she told me. Raya just says "no baby". We won't be leaving her alone with the twins!! LOL
I have my 28 week ultrasound appointment on Thursday to measure the babies!