Friday, September 5, 2008

We're in the PINK!!!!

2 healthy beautiful baby girls entered our world this morning!

Mom is doing great, really tired from the anesthesia - and of course Dad is excited (and her sister WHOOHOO!).

Twin A:
Time: 6:50am
Weight: 5 pounds 14 ounces
Lenght: 17 inches

Twin B:
Time: 6:51am
Weight: 6 pounds
Lenght: 18 1/4 inches

No names yet!!!!

Along with the phonecall that I got this morning, here is an email -

Subject: My water.....
My water broke at 3:48 this morning. Raya started crying for me and I sat up. There is no mistaking that for pee as I originally feared. We are waiting for Mom to get here to go to the hospital.

I am 36 weeks and 3 days. It is awesome that I made it this far!! I believe the babies have to go to the NICU for a mandatory 1 day stay for observation but should be able to come home with us next Tuesday.

So as I find out information, I'll update to keep everyone in the loop!



Joanne said...


You've done an amazing job! We're so happy for all of you. We can't wait to meet your girls. Get plenty of rest in the hospital. Enjoy your beautiful family.

helloall said...

Hey Jodi...just the girls from the ob office wishing you well and congratulations on a job well done.Hope to see you soon with those cute babies. Love Kerry,Mary and Paula

Jenny said...

Wow, You did it!! Please send pictures soon. I can't wait to see them. Take care of yourself. xoxo Jenny

MarkA said...

congrats Jodi, Matt and girls. Please enjoy your hospital stay as you should be very busy (hold your noses) for the next few months.

Love Mark and Tina