Thursday, September 18, 2008

Picture Day

Here is a picture of Ciara with Mom's cell phone so you can see how small she really is. You can't tell when you just see their pictures.

I hope everyone can open this link. Nothing is edited but it shows what the girls look like. These shots were taken today - the girls are 13 days old. Irelyn is on the left and Ciara is on the right.

It made me cry but I'm totally hormonal. Thanks to Diana Mirasolo for taking their pictures.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Well worth the wait.....

And I will say, also the mini-van. These two little girls are so precious to me that I can't even begin to describe how I feel!!! They are truly magical and add such a precious light to my eyes! Ciara is my little peanut with a loud cry! She has a tendency to wake more often than her counterpart. Irelyn is laid back and sleeps a lot. They are not identical but even for me it's hard to tell who is who sometimes. In pictures it is a lot easier - Ciara has a sweetheart shaped faced and Irelyn's face is more round. But if someone is to hand me just one of them, I sometimes get them mixed up!! Not to worry, I did leave on Irelyn's foot tag from the hospital with her "Baby B" on it.

Lydia and Raya are being absolutely perfect with them. They both have a huge interest in caring for them and holding them. We are not seeing the huge meltdowns that we anticipated.

Sleep is tough but that is the life of a newborn. They generally feed about 1/2 hour apart which works for me. I need an arm free in case a 2 1/2 year old comes running towards me to jump on my lap!! At night I am trying to take on their care myself, but Matt is a trouper in getting up whenever I need him, even if it's to change a diaper while I finish nursing the other one.

We are enjoying Ciara and Irelyn tremendously! There is nothing in this world like a newborn baby to cuddle with! I am so proud of myself for carrying them as long as I did - 36 weeks and 3 days. They never had to go to the special care nursery or the NICU. They stayed with us in our room! That was so great!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Baby A recieved her name....
Ciara Aurelia
"The Twins"

Irelyn Jade Simpson (on the left) and Ciara Aurelia Simpson (on the right)

The girls are getting their check-ups and approval by the NICU. Hopefully Mommy receives the ok and the twins will be getting ready for their journey home later this afternoon.

Big hugs and kisses are waiting for you when you get there!
We love you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod

Saw the girls last night - beautiful!
Mom is doing great - up and walking around. The babies are doing great too - a little bit of jaundice but nothing a little sun won't heal! Baby A's name is still undecided.
I got a few more pics while I was there yesterday and they are definately "2 peas in a pod!"

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Twins

The twins are absolutely beautiful and perfect!
Little fingers and little toes - pink rosey cheeks and little button noses!
Mom is doing great - Dad is a proud papa!
Baby Girl (twin A) didnt get her name yet ...
Baby Girl (twin B) is "Irelyn Jade Simpson"

They are both so beautiful, I am such a proud Auntie!

I got a few pictures but not many as my hands were full :)
Mommy and Daddy have them on their camera so I am sure they will be posted soon.

We're in the PINK!!!!

2 healthy beautiful baby girls entered our world this morning!

Mom is doing great, really tired from the anesthesia - and of course Dad is excited (and her sister WHOOHOO!).

Twin A:
Time: 6:50am
Weight: 5 pounds 14 ounces
Lenght: 17 inches

Twin B:
Time: 6:51am
Weight: 6 pounds
Lenght: 18 1/4 inches

No names yet!!!!

Along with the phonecall that I got this morning, here is an email -

Subject: My water.....
My water broke at 3:48 this morning. Raya started crying for me and I sat up. There is no mistaking that for pee as I originally feared. We are waiting for Mom to get here to go to the hospital.

I am 36 weeks and 3 days. It is awesome that I made it this far!! I believe the babies have to go to the NICU for a mandatory 1 day stay for observation but should be able to come home with us next Tuesday.

So as I find out information, I'll update to keep everyone in the loop!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008