Friday, October 10, 2008

5 Weeks!

I can't believe it's been 5 weeks already! I wish my pregnancy went by as fast as this!

The girls had their 1 month appointment today and I'm happy to report that they are gaining weight and really growing! Ciara weighed 7lbs 11oz and Irelyn weighed 7lbs 12oz. They are the same height at 20 1/4 inches. Because they are preemies, the doctors do not have the percentages for them.

Irelyn looks good - she has her color back. Ciara we are still watching, but seems to be fine.

Lydia and Raya are adapting to being big sisters. Raya is a little over-protective of them where Lydia understands that whoever the person is near them, is not going to steal them. Raya will pull at the baby if someone is holding her and yell "no, MY baby". So cute.

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