Matt had his follow up appointment with his new cardiologist Dal-Bianco at MGH. Matt's levels are all going in the right direction. The inflammation marker (for his pericarditis) is trending down. His red blood cell count was very low in the hospital (8.7) it should be around 14.5 - as of last week it was 11.8 so they are very happy with that improvement. Although Matt is a long way away from being able to play sports, he did get an ok to start walking more briskly, slowly jogging and being able to exert himself more. The doctor said for him to listen to his own body and judge it by how he is feeling.
A lot of people ask if a bypass is needed - and the answer is no. He's not a candidate for a bypass because the surgery would not make a difference in his blood flow. His heart is functioning well ~ I don't know what this number means, however this is what we are told: The cardiologists like to see it at 50....and Matt's is at 56. If that makes any sense.
He will be able to start cardiac rehab after the new year. His medications will remain the same for another month and he will be able to slowly wean off of a couple.
I am extremely optimistic that he will make a full recovery and will be on the lacrosse field by next summer! There is no keeping him down!
THANK YOU all so very much for taking the time to read the blog, send us a positive email, text, note, card etc in the last 8 weeks. It is so amazing how many people care and we are truly blessed by our friends and family.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Happy Homecoming!!!!
Matt is HOME! After all the ups and downs of his hospital stay, he was released yesterday! We are so happy that he is home ~ the kids (and of course the dogs!) are elated!
The unfortunate part is that the surgery was not as successful as original thought. His flow around is right artery is still very limited. He appears to have pericarditis however his CT scan on his chest does not show it! He does have all the symptoms so the doctors are treating him anyway. His lung is re-inflating and healing on it's own. His blood levels are back to normal. He came home with a slew of new medications.
The doctors have limited his activity level tremendously. And if you know Matt, this is the hardest part! NO LACROSSE FOR ONE YEAR!!!! Matt is very upset about this as that is his "thing" ~ how we get his "stink" out. No spinning, no heavy lifting, no running....he can walk and use light weights. I feel for him. As hard as it is to hear we are all saying in our heads "it could have been worse" but I think he will snap if another person says "well the alternative was...." He knows. But when you love something as much as he loves his LAX games and his buddies, this totally sucks for him. His heart has suffered some damages and needs time to heal!
Even though he's been down and out so to speak - he still had the new house worked on and this morning had me pick out the windows and doors!!! He won't miss a beat on that one!
In the meantime, the girls are giving him a list of things they want him to do with us "as a family". I don't think they will allow him out of their sight for a few days!
THANK YOU to each and every one of you who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers!!!!! THANK YOU to everyone who put Matt on a prayer chain, a prayer list etc! I know he was prayed for around the globe and it very much appreciated!!!
Lydia (redhead) Irelyn (in the back) Matt and Ciara. Raya is not pictured. They LOVE their Daddy!
The unfortunate part is that the surgery was not as successful as original thought. His flow around is right artery is still very limited. He appears to have pericarditis however his CT scan on his chest does not show it! He does have all the symptoms so the doctors are treating him anyway. His lung is re-inflating and healing on it's own. His blood levels are back to normal. He came home with a slew of new medications.
The doctors have limited his activity level tremendously. And if you know Matt, this is the hardest part! NO LACROSSE FOR ONE YEAR!!!! Matt is very upset about this as that is his "thing" ~ how we get his "stink" out. No spinning, no heavy lifting, no running....he can walk and use light weights. I feel for him. As hard as it is to hear we are all saying in our heads "it could have been worse" but I think he will snap if another person says "well the alternative was...." He knows. But when you love something as much as he loves his LAX games and his buddies, this totally sucks for him. His heart has suffered some damages and needs time to heal!
Even though he's been down and out so to speak - he still had the new house worked on and this morning had me pick out the windows and doors!!! He won't miss a beat on that one!
In the meantime, the girls are giving him a list of things they want him to do with us "as a family". I don't think they will allow him out of their sight for a few days!
THANK YOU to each and every one of you who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers!!!!! THANK YOU to everyone who put Matt on a prayer chain, a prayer list etc! I know he was prayed for around the globe and it very much appreciated!!!
Lydia (redhead) Irelyn (in the back) Matt and Ciara. Raya is not pictured. They LOVE their Daddy!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A mellow day....
Today started off nerve racking, not because of Matt's condition, but because of Lahey's delay in sending Matt's records. I went to Lahey myself and again had a difficult time in obtaining the records - but persevered and got what we needed. By the time I arrived at MGH it was close to 2pm.
The doctors decided to give Matt a rest day - no testing as originally planned. Matt's levels have all come back to the normal range - which is great! He has about 8 bags of IV fluid!!! They do not see a need for a transfusion at this time. His iron levels are low - he lost a lot of blood somewhere which is why those levels were low - so that's a simple pill.
Tomorrow is the big test day - we will find out what is going on with his heart. They will only let him walk about 20 feet until they know. I'm not sure of the length of stay that he will endure with this pericarditis - and I don't care as long as he gets better. We will also start to investigate the issues with his lungs and other things.
I'm so glad his doctor gave him a break today. It was much needed. He wasn't exhausted - had a tiny bit of color (I told him to sit in the sun in the window cause he burns so easy, he could get a little color) and was able to eat half of his lunch. He was laughing and making fun of me so I know his spirits are higher. I noticed he popped on facebook for a few minutes too! Feel free to go to his page and say hello! I'm sure he'd love to see how many people are following his status!
Thank you ALL for the continued thoughts and prayers - posts, emails, texts etc. Each and every one makes me smile!
The doctors decided to give Matt a rest day - no testing as originally planned. Matt's levels have all come back to the normal range - which is great! He has about 8 bags of IV fluid!!! They do not see a need for a transfusion at this time. His iron levels are low - he lost a lot of blood somewhere which is why those levels were low - so that's a simple pill.
Tomorrow is the big test day - we will find out what is going on with his heart. They will only let him walk about 20 feet until they know. I'm not sure of the length of stay that he will endure with this pericarditis - and I don't care as long as he gets better. We will also start to investigate the issues with his lungs and other things.
I'm so glad his doctor gave him a break today. It was much needed. He wasn't exhausted - had a tiny bit of color (I told him to sit in the sun in the window cause he burns so easy, he could get a little color) and was able to eat half of his lunch. He was laughing and making fun of me so I know his spirits are higher. I noticed he popped on facebook for a few minutes too! Feel free to go to his page and say hello! I'm sure he'd love to see how many people are following his status!
Thank you ALL for the continued thoughts and prayers - posts, emails, texts etc. Each and every one makes me smile!
Monday, August 19, 2013
There are certain events that make you appreciate life.....
I will explain that in a second....
Matt's blood level (red blood cells and platelets) are still low however the doctor said the transfusion is a last resort measure. He has an extremely high level, in his blood, that measures inflammation. The doctors know he has pericarditis however they believe he may also have myo-pericarditis and the think that is why that number is so high. Pericarditis if I understand correctly is fluid or inflammation around the heart. The myo part is just another part of the muscle that could possibly also have this inflammation.
They also did find his lung collapse and something wrong with his lower right lobe. Another group of physicians from pulmonary will evaluate him tomorrow to make sure there is no inflammation somewhere else and to check his lung.
He still is having pain but it's more manageable now. They will start the treatments tomorrow. Today there are letting his body chill out (so to speak)
So that title has to do with something that happened to us today. A gentleman was wheeled in to our room by two paramedics. By the sound of the conversation, the man had a long ride in from New Hampshire. I overheard the paramedics giving the nurses the rundown - he's had a lot of heart issues in the past. Within 5 minutes of the paramedics leaving, the nurses were performing CPR, loud alarms were going off and our room was FILLED with nurses and doctors. Our nurse came in and led us out of the room to the family room to wait. We were not allowed back in our room - not even to get our belongings! We were "upgraded" to a beautiful room with a view overlooking the Charles River. We can see the Citgo sign, the bridges etc. Unfortunately, our room change was due to unfortunate circumstances. Matt was extremely upset. He will have nightmares for weeks.
Before I left I hugged him a little tighter.
Thank you Lord for keeping Matt here with us!
Matt's blood level (red blood cells and platelets) are still low however the doctor said the transfusion is a last resort measure. He has an extremely high level, in his blood, that measures inflammation. The doctors know he has pericarditis however they believe he may also have myo-pericarditis and the think that is why that number is so high. Pericarditis if I understand correctly is fluid or inflammation around the heart. The myo part is just another part of the muscle that could possibly also have this inflammation.
They also did find his lung collapse and something wrong with his lower right lobe. Another group of physicians from pulmonary will evaluate him tomorrow to make sure there is no inflammation somewhere else and to check his lung.
He still is having pain but it's more manageable now. They will start the treatments tomorrow. Today there are letting his body chill out (so to speak)
So that title has to do with something that happened to us today. A gentleman was wheeled in to our room by two paramedics. By the sound of the conversation, the man had a long ride in from New Hampshire. I overheard the paramedics giving the nurses the rundown - he's had a lot of heart issues in the past. Within 5 minutes of the paramedics leaving, the nurses were performing CPR, loud alarms were going off and our room was FILLED with nurses and doctors. Our nurse came in and led us out of the room to the family room to wait. We were not allowed back in our room - not even to get our belongings! We were "upgraded" to a beautiful room with a view overlooking the Charles River. We can see the Citgo sign, the bridges etc. Unfortunately, our room change was due to unfortunate circumstances. Matt was extremely upset. He will have nightmares for weeks.
Before I left I hugged him a little tighter.
Thank you Lord for keeping Matt here with us!
Low blood pressure
Matt's blood pressure dropped really low last night. There is something going on with his kidneys and he is really dehydrated. They are pumping him with IV fluid. They are not sure if he has internal bleeding or not and HE MAY NEED A TRANSFUSION! Yikes!
They staff is trying to put together all the pieces as Lahey has not sent all the results from tests. Which had me on the phone with the legal department this morning. I have not had a return call but I will be on the phone again soon!
They staff is trying to put together all the pieces as Lahey has not sent all the results from tests. Which had me on the phone with the legal department this morning. I have not had a return call but I will be on the phone again soon!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Arrived at MGH!
Matt was finally transferred to MGH ! The doctor said he does have pericarditis which they believe is causing him all this pain. They are going to give him the appropriate medications for treatment. Tomorrow they are going to run through a whole new set of tests. He still has no color and his breathing is labored but now I know he is in good hands!
The doctor here is unsure if he truly does have pneumonia so they will look at everything and maybe run tests for that as well.
Thank you all sooooooo much for your support!
The doctor here is unsure if he truly does have pneumonia so they will look at everything and maybe run tests for that as well.
Thank you all sooooooo much for your support!
I'm not editing this so don't let children read it -
Lahey is giving us the run around about transferring Matt!!!! Ae you serious? I'm so glad I was told NO cause I do not accept anyone ever telling me no!! (Friends from high school can attest to that!)
I was given the instructions on what to do to get him out by my friend Leslie, I took her advice and came in swinging! I walked thru the main entrance and asked for a patient advocate - the head RN came about 20 minutes later. I told her my situation but at the same time the doctor was consulting with Matt (my mom was in the room) so I had her walk with me to the room. I heard their run around for a few minutes but then took both the nurse and doctor in to the hallway to discuss his transfer. Matt doesn't want to ruffle any feathers - which is my complete opposite!! Don't care who I piss off - we are talking my husband here!
I still got the run around - MGH is giving me specific instructions on how to transfer - lahey nurses are telling me no - they don't do it like that! I finally said I don't know why you are having this pissing contest with MGH - just put in the transfer! And in the same breath I said "it's my right to have a second opinion and my right to have him transferred! Is anyone from the legal department here????" I'm so done. And yes, so far that has been my only swear. Matt gets uptight and it causes really bad pain so I have to be calm in the room!
On to his diagnosis: they took the cat scan last night and just "briefly go through it to rule out anything major. And then today the attending reads it thoroughly". Ok first of all - do they have so much going on at 3am that they can't read it thoroughly??? I'll continue "so when we finally read the report it seems as though he has developed pneumonia in his right lung and pericarditis (which is fluid around his heart)."
I will update more when we move to MGH. He looks like hell - his breathing is labored and he is in pain. Please continue to pray for him to heal!! Xoxo
Lahey is giving us the run around about transferring Matt!!!! Ae you serious? I'm so glad I was told NO cause I do not accept anyone ever telling me no!! (Friends from high school can attest to that!)
I was given the instructions on what to do to get him out by my friend Leslie, I took her advice and came in swinging! I walked thru the main entrance and asked for a patient advocate - the head RN came about 20 minutes later. I told her my situation but at the same time the doctor was consulting with Matt (my mom was in the room) so I had her walk with me to the room. I heard their run around for a few minutes but then took both the nurse and doctor in to the hallway to discuss his transfer. Matt doesn't want to ruffle any feathers - which is my complete opposite!! Don't care who I piss off - we are talking my husband here!
I still got the run around - MGH is giving me specific instructions on how to transfer - lahey nurses are telling me no - they don't do it like that! I finally said I don't know why you are having this pissing contest with MGH - just put in the transfer! And in the same breath I said "it's my right to have a second opinion and my right to have him transferred! Is anyone from the legal department here????" I'm so done. And yes, so far that has been my only swear. Matt gets uptight and it causes really bad pain so I have to be calm in the room!
On to his diagnosis: they took the cat scan last night and just "briefly go through it to rule out anything major. And then today the attending reads it thoroughly". Ok first of all - do they have so much going on at 3am that they can't read it thoroughly??? I'll continue "so when we finally read the report it seems as though he has developed pneumonia in his right lung and pericarditis (which is fluid around his heart)."
I will update more when we move to MGH. He looks like hell - his breathing is labored and he is in pain. Please continue to pray for him to heal!! Xoxo
Excruciating pain!!!! NOT NORMAL!
Last night Matt could hardly talk and is in horrific pain! They did a cat scan and xrays and found that his lung is not inflating. It's not collapsed....yet....but my feeling is that your body can only be in distress for so long!!! As of this morning, he is still in massive pain. I do not know why they have not called in a lung specialist! And they can not figure out WHY he is so much pain. Matt has a massively high pain tolerance - think he had 3 heart attacks before he thought he should see someone about it. So I'm nervous about this. I want more done.
So as I type, the big kahunas are on their way in as I look for people who can assist us in getting him to MGH and to the CCU there. (Oh, the big kahunas are my mom and Bobbie Botticelli). I know they will have things answered and everyone on their toes.
Please please PRAY for him. We do not know what's wrong, why he is in pain or how to control it! Believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking!
So as I type, the big kahunas are on their way in as I look for people who can assist us in getting him to MGH and to the CCU there. (Oh, the big kahunas are my mom and Bobbie Botticelli). I know they will have things answered and everyone on their toes.
Please please PRAY for him. We do not know what's wrong, why he is in pain or how to control it! Believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Cat Scan time!!!
It's 930 pm and I had just left the hospital (again) with Matt resting (he had just been given dilaudin for his pain) but he texted me that he is going in now for a cat scan to rule out a blood clot in his lung!! This poor guy is so uncomfortable - it hurts to breath and hurts to talk too much (I use my hands so unless my arm was broken, I could still get my point across!).
I will go back in if something happens or if he needs me there. The babysitter is on-call and I'm sure if I called my mom, she would be over here in a nano-second.
I will update when I know what's going on. I'm pretty sure he will not be going home tomorrow though.
I will go back in if something happens or if he needs me there. The babysitter is on-call and I'm sure if I called my mom, she would be over here in a nano-second.
I will update when I know what's going on. I'm pretty sure he will not be going home tomorrow though.
Chest pain!!
Of course right after I left this afternoon, Matt texted to tell me his chest pain is getting worse and he is going in for an Xray. He said the pain in his chest hurts to breath - like pneumonia. I am waiting for a sitter to get back in there to see what is going on. Earlier in the day we were self-diagnosing him with me on the computer looking up what could cause it. GERD was one of them, as was Angina.....
I'm hoping this is simple and he will be alleviated from the pain.
Thank you for your support and well wishes!!!
I'm hoping this is simple and he will be alleviated from the pain.
Thank you for your support and well wishes!!!
We moved rooms!!!
Matt was moved this morning out of the CCU to a "regular" room on the cardiac floor. His vital signs are great however he is still experiencing pains in his chest. The doctors and nurses are attributing it to them being inside him for 4 hours manipulating everything AND for the blood flow rerouting. He doesn't look himself but he's exhausted - how can anyone sleep in a hospital when they draw your blood and check your vitals every 2 hours?
He should be out of here tomorrow if things go as planned. If something else happens or if he experiences any more discomfort - in to Boston we go. I'm not playing any more games with this place.
Thank you for following us on the blog! It's so much easier than answering a million texts!!! Xoxo
He should be out of here tomorrow if things go as planned. If something else happens or if he experiences any more discomfort - in to Boston we go. I'm not playing any more games with this place.
Thank you for following us on the blog! It's so much easier than answering a million texts!!! Xoxo
Friday, August 16, 2013
No visits today
Unfortunately I was unable to see Matt today - who is still in the ICU. He was not feeling that well and they had given him some medication to make him sleepy so I'm glad he was able to rest without any company! He told me that the doctors were not happy with the "flow" that he is getting through the artery at this point. He was also telling me that he had a minor heart attack while they were performing his procedure (something his surgeon did not tell me so I'm hoping that it just sometimes happens and something they can control etc). Matt is still in a lot of pain - I'm not sure if it's the same pain he experienced for the last few weeks or if it's pain from his heart being manipulated for almost 4 hours. It's really hard not being in the room with him and asking every question to the nurse and doctors like I want to. THANK GOD Priscilla is now home and I'll be able to go in tomorrow to get some answers. Matt also thinks that he will be in a regular room by tomorrow and out of the ICU which is really good news! I'll update more as I get more information. Thank you ALL for your support! It means so much to us that we have such a large group of people caring and praying for him. Keep sending those prayers and positive thoughts our way!!!
Matt has a little bit of a tough night in the ICU with massive sweats (I think his body reacting to all the medications they pumped in to him). He was rough looking when I left him last night - as it was really late and I could only spend about 5 minutes with him. His heart surgery he is totally awake and coherent for so he was mentally and physically exhausted and on edge (as any of us would be being on an operating table for 4 hours and being able to listen to the doctors conversations).
He had some bleeding last night when they took the tube out of his groin (one of the ways they went in to his heart) but they were able to control it. He had some chest pain in the middle of the night...and right now I'm not sure what they did as Matt and I have had limited conversations this morning. He insisted that the girls continue on their schedule so up today we have Ciara's 5th birthday party celebration with her little friends at Imajin That in Lawrence. He doesn't want the kids to worry. I hate that I'm not in there with him but I know he is in good hands (last night his nurse was awesome!) and that the kids need to keep some normalcy.
Please continue to pray and keep him in your thoughts! We need these stents to work and the blood to flow thru continuously!!!
He had some bleeding last night when they took the tube out of his groin (one of the ways they went in to his heart) but they were able to control it. He had some chest pain in the middle of the night...and right now I'm not sure what they did as Matt and I have had limited conversations this morning. He insisted that the girls continue on their schedule so up today we have Ciara's 5th birthday party celebration with her little friends at Imajin That in Lawrence. He doesn't want the kids to worry. I hate that I'm not in there with him but I know he is in good hands (last night his nurse was awesome!) and that the kids need to keep some normalcy.
Please continue to pray and keep him in your thoughts! We need these stents to work and the blood to flow thru continuously!!!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Surgery was a success!!
After 3 1/2 hours of being persistent ~ the surgeon was able to get in to Matt's vessel and open it with 3 new stents! They are hoping that these new stents will help alleviate his pain. They had to go thru 2 different ways.... Looked at the heart from different angles to make this work. The doctor felt that Matt was too young not to do everything in his power for us!
Matt will be in ICU tonight and in the hospital thru the weekend. I have not seen him yet but will give him a big hug from everyone who has been sending well wishes all day!!!
Matt will be in ICU tonight and in the hospital thru the weekend. I have not seen him yet but will give him a big hug from everyone who has been sending well wishes all day!!!
Matt's heart surgery
I'm in the room all too familiar ICU waiting room at Lahey ~ Matt's procedure has been postponed from 1030 until 130. Two emergency's came in ahead of him. We took the time to stroll the mall - and I tried keeping him busy on an impossible mission of finding Irelyn a backpack for school. He despises the mall when he's healthy so imagine him today when he didn't eat, couldn't have coffee but had no place else to go?? He's taking it like a champ. I'm sure he wants to scream at someone but he gets such chest pain when he does!
We have no idea how long surgery will be ~ but I'm praying for short and sweet! praying that the stent was just off a little and a quick fix will be all! I'm preparing for the worse - as he is as well. This is some scary shit having them play with your heart like this!! Keep him in your thoughts and prayers please!!!
I don't know why the picture is's not on my computer.
We have no idea how long surgery will be ~ but I'm praying for short and sweet! praying that the stent was just off a little and a quick fix will be all! I'm preparing for the worse - as he is as well. This is some scary shit having them play with your heart like this!! Keep him in your thoughts and prayers please!!!
I don't know why the picture is's not on my computer.
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Not a happy person..... |
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