Friday, July 31, 2009

Really? More rain???

Lydia Raya the "twinnies"

The girls are all doing great. The twins are 10 months old and all over the house. One thinks about it and the other performs it! They take turns too - there is not one being more of a trouble maker than the other. Lydia and Raya continue to be the BEST big sisters of all time! They both help out with their baby sisters - the interaction makes my heart melt!

My surgery to fix my muscle separation and hernia is coming in 10 days! I'm so excited for it! I am SO DONE with people asking me if I am pregnant. How RUDE! And out of all the times people have asked, not once was I mean to them about it. Where I should say something mean like "no I miscarried last week" to let them know it's not ok to ask someone a question like that - I just explain myself. WHY? I keep saying I'm going to tell the next person who asks that it's a rude question but I won't.

Summer is almost over and it never feels like it got started! Enjoy what is left!! (I already did some back to school shopping!)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Disney World!

Matt and I took Lydia and Raya to Disney World for a mini vacation! We had a great time and they LOVED it! We stayed in the Nick hotel with a Sponge Bob room so I'm not sure what they enjoyed more - seeing the characters at the hotel or going to Magic Kingdom. It was so great seeing their eyes light up!! Worth every penny!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ciara and Irelyn 7 months!!!!

Time has gone by too fast and my babies are now 7 months old! They are doing great! Teething, eating "solid" food, sleeping mostly through the night and rocking on those knees!!! It won't be long until they are cruising around the house getting into everything!
Us on Easter Sunday!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1st and another snow storm

Raya is 3 years old!!

Lydia thought the twins would be happy in festive hats! How cute!

So like many of you - I am like WTF is going on?? I'm done with this weather. I have literally been in the house since last May and could go a little crazy!
This past week Raya had her adenoids removed and did great with the surgery and recovery!! We are hoping that the surgery will stop her persistent runny nose and help with her speech.
The twins are heading in to their 6 month. Unbelievable. They are adorable!! They love being in their exersaucers and jumpy things! What they love most is their sisters playing with them and they love the dogs! (Thank God someone is paying attention to poor Harley & Weber!)
Lydia is doing fantastic in school and we are looking at schools for kindergarten next year. We don't know yet if we are staying public or going private.
It's time to start looking at flights for Florida....I need a beach trip......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ciara - that face!!!

Irelyn sucks her thumb!

Time just totally flies by! My babies are already 4 months old. It's hard to believe that a year ago I found out that I was pregnant!
At their 4 month appointment they both weighed 13lbs 7 oz and were 23 1/2 inches long. They have the same measurements as Raya did!
We skipped the 0-3 month clothing size and basically went from newborn to 3-6. This last week we are pushing out of our 6 month clothing! They just got so big so quickly.
They are smiling away - cooing - and Ciara discovered razzberries! Irelyn is so adorable with that thumb but her finger is looking red from sucking on when she's looking for her thumb. I think I'd rather the binky but she spits it out.
Lydia and Raya continue to both be fantastic with the twins. It really is unbelievable how they act toward them.
I am beyond busy. If you think you're busy, follow me for a day. I went to college full-time and worked 4 jobs and that was nothing compared to this!!
I do enjoy being with all my children immensely and wouldn't want it any other way! I am very lucky with my life and I thank God every day for it.