Saturday, March 1, 2014

As most of you are aware, Matt has not been feeling so well.  He has actually never recovered from his first two heart surgeries.  He has been having chest pains each day. 
A few weeks ago, he was given a stress test to see if he would be able to begin cardiac rehab.  He was able to push through the inclines and tension on the treadmill test, however his heart wasn't as strong as Matt's mind. 
His team of doctors at MGH have decided that the best course of action is to have another heart surgery.  The procedure is similar to the catherization for stents however the doctors go thru his collateral arteries to go to his blockage at a different angle.  The procedure has been performed about 50 times and these doctors have an 85% success rate to opening up the blockage.
He is scheduled to have this surgery this Wednesday, March 5th.  The procedure should take about 4 hours.  He is expected to be in the hospital for 5 or so days. Should this surgery not work (however with all of us praying it should!) then these are the doctors that will advocate for him to have a bypass.  I pray that they will just walk out of the OR with smiles telling me he is clear!!!
I will be updating the blog with each piece of news that I receive.  And I honestly hate that I can't talk to each and every one of you to answer questions individually, but life has me going in a million different directions.  I will be happy to answer anything here or on facebook as I sit and watch the nurses take care of him, I'll be able to communicate. 
PLEASE pray for him ~ for a successful surgery, for a quick recovery and for a much more healthy life!  He needs this and he definitely deserves this!!!   Feel free to share this page and ask for positive thoughts and prayers from anyone! 
Thank you for caring enough to read this page!  I'll update again on Wednesday! 