Friday, July 15, 2011


Today I went to get the twins up from their naps. I made loud noises as I was approaching their door. I heard Ciara say "here comes fucken Momma". WHAT? So I opened the door and asked what she said and oh yeah, she repeated it. I corrected her and said it was a bad word blah blah blah.
I guess I really should watch what I say around them.

On Monday, July 11th, Weber died. He suffered for so long and I will miss him so much. I do know he is no longer in pain. The kids do not seem fazed by it. When we told the older girls Raya said "Oh, I knew it Mom, he was old and sick".

My favorite words of this week "Corn in the dog" and "corn on the bob". I make the twins say it every day so I can giggle.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

2.9 years already

Ciara and Irelyn have sure kept me busy for the last 2 1/2 years. I do not even know where the time has went. The days drag but the weeks fly by! I'll be 40 years old next week. I can't believe that either. My babies have full on conversations with me. Ask a million questions and challenge me daily with their energy. I am definitely a tired, worn out mommy! I never kept a baby book for any of the kids. I want to use my blog for some things that they do. Quick little notes and pictures that will make me smile one day reading them!