Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1st and another snow storm

Raya is 3 years old!!

Lydia thought the twins would be happy in festive hats! How cute!

So like many of you - I am like WTF is going on?? I'm done with this weather. I have literally been in the house since last May and could go a little crazy!
This past week Raya had her adenoids removed and did great with the surgery and recovery!! We are hoping that the surgery will stop her persistent runny nose and help with her speech.
The twins are heading in to their 6 month. Unbelievable. They are adorable!! They love being in their exersaucers and jumpy things! What they love most is their sisters playing with them and they love the dogs! (Thank God someone is paying attention to poor Harley & Weber!)
Lydia is doing fantastic in school and we are looking at schools for kindergarten next year. We don't know yet if we are staying public or going private.
It's time to start looking at flights for Florida....I need a beach trip......